Education Rooted in Faith and Excellence

Imagine a future where Islamic values uplift not only Muslim communities but America and the world. We're making this vision a reality by establishing a top-quality Islamic school that nurtures the genius, talents, and diversity of the next generation.

Group of students gathered together smiling for the Pre-Ramadan Fundraiser for Islamic-Centered School
A collage of images of children playing; one standing and listening, a little girl climbing, and a young boy playing basketball
The Need

Our Children Need an Islamic-Centered Education

According to the Maryland Muslim Council, our state is home to over 400,000 Muslims, yet there are only a handful of accredited private Muslim schools available. As a result, an entire generation of Muslim students has grown up without a deep awareness of the legacy of academic excellence in the African American Muslim community.

OUr Solution

Let’s Build a Space for Our Children to Flourish

With a target goal of its doors in Fall 2027, this school will be a beacon of culturally relevant and sensitive Islamic education in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area. For the first time in 15 years, African American Muslims will lead an institution dedicated to fostering the growth and success of our youth.

Our curriculum would include:

  • Quranic Studies
  • Leadership Development
  • Islamic Studies
  • Financial Literacy
  • Rigorous Academic Curriculum
  • Extracurricular Sports
  • Language Immersion
  • Clubs
  • STEM
The vision of Soulful Muslims' School Project; a young muslim girl in a uniform, a young muslim boy sorting through library books and an image of an older boy using a microscope
How We Plan On Doing It

4-Year Fundraising Goal Map

We’ve planned out four milestones to help us allocate the funding for this project. Here are the events you can look forward to contributing to.

  • $13,500,000 / $22,805,480


Goal One

2024 Kick-Off Pre-Ramadan Fundraiser

Goal Two

2025 “Two Years to Go” Fundraiser

Goal Three

2026 “One Year to Go” Fundraiser

Goal Four

2027 Endowment Fundraiser

Lend a Hand in Building a School Built on Belief

Don’t wait for the next fundraiser to contribute to this project. Contribute today to establish a lasting legacy of academic excellence rooted in Islamic values and cultural heritage for our children.

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